künstliche Intelligenz (KI) (en.: artificial intelligence (AI))

Der Begriff wird in verschiedenen Disziplinen aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven diskutiert.

Aufgrund des KI-Effekts entwickelt sich der Begriff stetig weiter. Folgend sind drei Definitionen ausgewiesen:

Definition 1: Fähigkeit eines technischen Systems, Wissen und Kompetenzen zu erwerben, zu verarbeiten und anzuwenden (ISO/IEC 29119-11).

Definition 2: Ein computergestütztes System, das kognitiv arbeitet, um Informationen zu verstehen und Probleme zu lösen (ISO/IEC 22989).

Definition 3: Künstliche Intelligenz bezeichnet eine Reihe von Technologien, [...] die im Hinblick auf eine Reihe von Zielen, die vom Menschen festgelegt werden, Ergebnisse wie Inhalte, Vorhersagen, Empfehlungen oder Entscheidungen hervorbringen können, die das Umfeld beeinflussen, mit dem sie interagieren (Europäisches KI-Gesetz im Entwurf 1).

  1. AI-Act (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act), Volltext auf Europa.eu ↩︎

Siehe auch:

ETSI GR ENI 004 computerized system that uses cognition to understand information and solve problems

NOTE 1: ISO/IEC 2382-28 defines AI as "an interdisciplinary field, usually regarded as a branch of computer science, dealing with models and systems for the performance of functions generally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning and learning".

NOTE 2: In computer science AI research is defined as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions to achieve its goals.

NOTE 3: This includes pattern recognition and the application of machine learning and related techniques.

NOTE 4: Artificial Intelligence is the whole idea and concepts of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way that mimics the human intelligence and would be considered "smart".

ISO/IEC DIS 22989 set of methods or automated entities that together build, optimize and apply a model (3.1.26) so that the system can, for a given set of predefined tasks (3.1.37), compute predictions (3.2.12), recommendations, or decisions.

Note 1 to entry: AI systems are designed to operate with varying levels of automation (3.1.7).

Note 2 to entry: Predictions (3.2.12) can refer to various kinds of data analysis or production (including translating text, creating synthetic images or diagnosing a previous power failure). It does not imply anteriority. study of theories, mechanisms, developments and applications related to artificial intelligence (3.1.2).

ISO/IEC TR 29119-11:2020 capability of an engineered system to acquire, process and apply knowledge and skills

ISTQB - CTAI Syllabus The capability of an engineered system to acquire, process, create and apply knowledge and skills (ISO/IEC TR 29119-11)

Quelle: AI-Glossary.org (https://www.ai-glossary.org), Lizenz d. Definitionstextes (ausschl. Norm-Referenzen): CC BY-SA 4.0, abgerufen: 2024-09-10


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